
Trading Undies…have you ever done it?

IMG_0768I’ve always wondered if there are other folks out there into trading undies. I mean, I know there are, it’s how I met some of the guys on the blog. I’ve traded with a few guys over the years and have had mostly positive results. Not always, but most of the time when you’re trading with a fellow underwear lover you have a great time. So, all of you loyal fans and readers – do you trade undies? Have you ever? Is it something you’re interested in at all? We’re a curious bunch here, well at least I am, and would like to know.

IMG_0770Over the weekend, I have worn these light blue Andrew Christian briefs on Saturday and these darker blue Manview briefs with a mesh/see through ass on Sunday. Both really comfortable. One or both of them, who knows, might be going to a friend along with a few other worn pairs. I can’t say too much, or I’ll give it away to him as he’s been known to read the blog from time to time. Have yet to get him featured on it, but maybe soon!

IMG_0769I’ve been chatting with him more and more and I had chatted trading or at least sending him some of mine and it got me thinking about trading in general. It has been a while since I actually traded with anyone, as opposed to sending stuff to friends. If you’re up for a trade and wear a medium…always have some I could trade with folks! Hit me up via email and let’s chat!

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