
#healthyhumpday is back for 2018 with a vengeance…

It’s that time of the year again, when people make resolutions. Judging from all the ire of social media about gym etiquette, lots of people have made resolutions about getting healthier and fitter. Mine is a continuation from last year…drop these last pesky pounds that make me feel fat. So, I’m carrying over the #healthyhumpday tradition into this year and will try and focus on that every humpday.

I have less than 20 pounds that I’d like to lose and I lost my way, so I’m getting back on the wagon and increasing my effort. In doing so, it means I’m cutting back on my cardio and upping my weight use. Seems counter-intuitive, but I think I was doing too much cardio. I had plateaued. I’m still doing fasted cardio every morning, only now I’m doing a bit less each day and adding weight routines a few days a week to start. Hoping that puts my #healthyhumpday(s) back on track and the weight headed downward. I’m feeling better regardless, so, big plus. #healthyhumpday

And, as it is Wednesday, I’m in a jock, and this time it’s a bright red one – Air Jock – from Andrew Christian. I think this was from a Valentines day special only made limited edition type thing, but I can’t honestly remember anymore. It’s got a nice Almost Naked pouch and the cut out in the back, which, honestly looked bigger when it was rolled up and I pulled this out of the drawer.

Undies101 wants to know…don’t forget to vote in the poll!

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