
Frigid climate, snow and messy conditions…

Sorry boys, thought I had posted yesterday, but apparently I hit the save draft button instead. So just reworked it to include yesterday and today in this post. It’s been absolutely frigid in NYC lately. What with the snowbombs (or whatever they were calling it) yesterday and the messy conditions, it’s been oh so much fun! frigid

The good news about colder weather though, is that I get to make use of my long johns. I apparently have a nice sized collection of those too – convenient for living in colder climates. I was sporting these bright yellow N2NBodywear full length leggings yesterday. They have such a great pouch on them and they make my ass look amazing. They’re so comfortable to wear and they were literally next up in the pile of long johns.

Today, it’s these 3/4 red beauties, again from N2NBodywear. They don’t have a pouch on them, but the material just kind of surrounds you and conforms to your body, so they’re wicked easy to wear and really comfortable.

Undies101 wants to know…don’t forget to vote in the poll!

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