
Cost doesn’t necessarily mean anything…

so, it’s the age old debate…does the fact that underwear costs a little more mean that it’s more comfortable or will fit better? My argument is and has always been, cost does not mean anything when it comes to underwear. It means nothing when it comes to style, to fit, to comfort. The cheapest underwear could fit very well and be very comfortable while the expensive pair could be less comfortable and not fit well.

That’s the case with today’s undies. It’s all in the details. These were not exactly cheap, and while they fit well and I love the way they look on me and the way they fit, the little details mean everything. The tag sewn into the back of the undies is screwed up a little, and it digs into my skin in a few places and I end up turning the waistband under or over to avoid that. But you shouldn’t have to.

here they are…ristefsky macheda undies…

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