Yop Poll Archive

What is the dominant colour in your collection?

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What is the dominant style in your collection?

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What is your favourite underwear brand?

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What is your preferred style of swimwear?

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What is your preferred go to colour?

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Have you ever bought or traded underwear before?

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When you wear briefs, which style do you prefer?

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Have you ever given or received underwear as a gift at the holidays?
18 votes · 18 answers

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What kind of underwear did you wear growing up?
73 votes · 73 answers

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Who has been your favourite #GuestBulge post of 2020 so far?

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Are you still wearing underwear these days?
27 votes · 27 answers

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What do you wear when you work out?
34 votes · 40 answers

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What social media do you use on a regular/daily basis?
19 votes · 51 answers

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What is your preferred style of swimwear?

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What colour do you have the most of in your underwear collection?

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Tis the Season - As the cold weather approaches, we wonder: Is your collection of long johns as fun as the rest of your colleciton?
20 votes · 20 answers

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How old were you when you discovered your interest in undies?
66 votes · 66 answers

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Does your partner share your love of underwear?

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What is the dominant cut in your collection?
62 votes · 62 answers

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How Big is your undies collection?

Did you give or get undies for Christmas (Select all that apply)??
280 votes · 467 answers

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