We’re going to be doing a bit of house-keeping and changing up the blog a bit. Some new banners…some new colours…a fresh coat of paint, if you will. Something that will more accurately show off all of the bloggers that contribute here…and not just me. After all…it’s no longer just my blog. I love that so many other guys have gotten involved…and share their voice with all of us. So… a huge shout out of thanks to RWraith55, DJ Bakelite, AJ, Keith, AussieMan and Matty…Undies101 wouldn’t be what it is without all of your hard work and contributions!
here’s the blue Tulio trunks I’ve had on all day…super comfy! Oh…and my point for this post was, please leave us some feedback…what would you like to see more of? Suggestions for colours? Suggestions for topics? Theme Weeks? We’re open to hearing from you!