
Meetings and other late night tales of travel cities…

I’m in Texas – Dallas, for meetings. Well, a meeting. A meeting that’s at night from like 7-12midnight. What’s that about??? Anyway…flew in yesterday and it was 104F when I landed mid afternoon and today the high was 108F. WTF. It was so hot after I had dinner yesterday (it was still 100F at 8PM) that I went to the bar to have a drink or two. There’s a few great watering holes here in Dallas that I quite enjoy. One has some decent dancers/go go boys. Well it did, the boys this trip weren’t really anything all that amazing to look at last night, which makes the decision about going out tonight after my meeting really easy. Back to the hotel and to bed. Fly home tomorrow, and out of this oppressive heat! Thankfully! meetings

Was in a phase of trying new things and getting back into string bikinis when I picked these up from Cocksox on sale or clearance or last chance or whatever. Anyway…quite enjoy them. Not sure why lately, but string bikinis are making a comeback in my wardrobe. Maybe it’s the tiny nature of them, and how much they show off. I used to wear them regularly, but then I started to not feel as sexy in them, so I stopped. But, like all good fashion – they’ve made a comeback!

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