Personal, Review

The mullet of undies…. Back when mullets were cool

I thought it could be fun to make a review on something more exciting than the usual. So I picked these by Fort Troff. Now I typically dont add a link to purchase an item I’m reviewing, as well I’ve never needed to and also due to that #notsponsored life. however, their website is almost impossible to find, so to vist them follow the link at the bottom for the closet match I could find to what im wearing.

When it some to looks I think these are great with a dark camo and high quality waistband definitely business in the front and party in the back and they seem to hug my body perfectly.

I know it seems odd that as part of my scoring process I have innovations. But these are why I don’t now how but my ass looks its best in these and I cant think of anything else that comes close while front end never disappoints I have to say the fabrics used in Andrew Christians usually do a better job of showing that off.

The only real negative I have with these is while the fabric is perferated it isnt breathable, meaning I was sweating in these loads during my work out.

Overall there definitely a favourite pair of mine at the moment and as long as they keep my ass looking this good they’ll be in my draw.

The Seaman Score

Style 7

Features/Innovations 9

Fit 8

Sex appeal 9

Comfort 5

Total Score 38

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