When you have to come up with witty taglines, sometimes it just gets so complicated. But a lot of things these days just aren’t measuring up. My undies drawer however, is not one of them. Customer service isn’t measuring up with a ton of issues in my life lately. With apologies for the absence, I have been dealing with so many issues related to my AppleID, and without that, you know how slow things go.
Now that things are back up and running again, I’ve got a #GuestBulge posted for you and now my own post. Even though customer service isn’t measuring up for me these days, I am hoping these briefs do the trick for you. These are a pair of string bikinis from Modus Vivendi that I got a while ago from Cheap Undies. I loved the cut of them and the cheeky nature of the measuring tape as the waistband.
Undies101 wants to know…don’t forget to vote in the poll!