13 (68%)
6 (31%)
Almost two thirds of us seem to let the pretty shiny things hot posters, packaging, and advertising sway our buying decisions. I am definitely one of those people; however, I still only buy brands that I like the fit, look, and style of. For me, my two favorite brands just so happen to be two of the most in your face out there on the market these days.
Social media has helped every industry, but it seems that Men’s underwear has become more mainstream through these advertising efforts. People across the world can see all of the hottest styles and pictures of hot models and everyday folks wearing them to persuade them to buy. It seems not so long ago, you only found a hint of Men’s underwear choices through the JCPenney catalog and then finally the Undergear catalog. Now Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, countless blogs, and brand websites draw more focus on men in their underwear!
It’s no secret that Nasty Pig is my favorite brand of underwear/clothing. They have a unique style and confidence. They know their market and cater to it. Their cutting edge style and look shows across the board in their store, marketing, social media. Hands down, their gear is hot to me. I am a fan for the clothing and undies itself. Bonus that they post raw, edgy, hot pics of hunky beefy men wearing their stuff! They shoot some of the hottest porn stars and models wearing their goods.
I may already own these items or plan on buying them, but seeing hot ads and candids like these keep me loving NP and wanting more. What is more fun, they shoot customers trying stuff on in their flagship store and tweet/facebook them for all to see! They love showing off their customers in their gear and encourage fans to send in photos of themselves wearing NP stuff. I tend to do this a lot. I am always tweeting me in their stuff. It’s always fun when they take notice or fans around the world comment and like! I have even gotten personal comments and messages from the Creative Director and CEO of Nasty Pig 😉
This company and brand creates a culture and community for their customers that I love being a part of and keeping up on. I already love the product if I were to just simply order it from a general website. But they offer a fun exciting interactive experience that becomes a kind of lifestyle. Fans across the country from guy next door to porn star all share in this culture together united in their support and love of the product!
Nasty Pig of course is not the only company in this category. Andrew Christian, probably the top designer in the US of Men’s Underwear, has a goldmine all thanks to his creative marketing. You can’t go on Facebook, Twitter or e-mail without seeing multiple ads, pictures, videos promoting his product through racy shots of hot men in his bulge enhancing skivvies. Now I am a true fan of his product already, but don’t think his hot advertising doesn’t keep his brand at top of mind. I have my favorite AC models and porn stars I follow to see them bulging in their AC undies!!!! Despite the neverending assortment of perfect models in his ads, most of them actually come from fan pics sent in that get enormous feedback and requests on social media. He basically lets his fans tell him who to use! What’s not to like?
I may not look like that in my AC’s, but all the same it makes it fun to follow all of the social hooplah surrounding this hot brand!
you look amazing!!!! love you in both brands!!!