
BumChums – Stealth Ice #Review

I was delighted to be asked to do another underwear review for and even more delighted when I heard that I would be reviewing a brand closer to this side of the Atlantic.

BumChums is a British underwear brand that, in my opinion, has the capacity to rival the old favourites AussieBums (albeit the models will be a lot paler). In the Stealth Ice they’ve taken the classic British Y-front shape and cut (including the Y-fronts side flap for easy access) and have updated it with bolder colours and broad edging to highlight the stitching and craftsmanship.

The underwear is fitting yet comfortable, a rare combination. I love the way the waistband dips in the centre, drawing the eye.

Now the downside. While I love the retro style of the brief, the stitching and edging is quite thick. This can distort the shape somewhat, most noticeably where the overlap for the flap occurs. Also, while I like the innovation of having the tag on the outside, it got a bit grating if you wear it for a long time.

Overall I really like the style and comfort of this brief. I love wearing it and will definitely look forward to what BumChums has to offer next. Certainly a brand to look out for.

3 thoughts on “BumChums – Stealth Ice #Review

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