
Day 1067 – Blue Zebra Print 2xist Sliq No Shows

SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERASo, dear reader whilst you are reading this, if all goes to plan I will be cruising 35,000 feet over the Atlantic somewhere on my return from the United Kingdom. I’ve pulled these blue zebra print 2xist Sliq no shows on for the journey. I had worn a pair over and they were so comfortable, that it seemed prudent to wear the other pair home. Wandering around London for a bit, one more meeting and then I am off the airport and the comfort of the Virgin Clubhouse before the long voyage home…see you all on the flip side! SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERA

PS. these do nothing for my ass but make it look huge..but it is the only way you get to see the pattern. I feel like I have a diaper on when I look at that photo…ughhh…must do more at the gym.

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