I got up and ran with the running coach this morning and he kind of made my morning and gave me a potential false sense of hope, but hope none the less. I came in and showered and pulled open the drawer and, not going to lie, pulled out a jock – thinking it was Wednesday. I almost said screw it and wore it anyway, but I don’t have enough jocks to do that, so I pulled these out and put them on. They are some of the most comfortable pair of Aussiebums I own. light blue – you know a favourite..seamless…sexy…comfortable.

Day 184 – Light Blue AussieBum Seamless Briefs
Do you have questions for us? Do you have a question about a type or brand of underwear and don’t know where to go to ask? Would you like an outlet to ask your underwear related questions? Would you like the opportunity to ask some of our bloggers questions? Would you if you had the opportunity? We have been toying with the idea of a type of Ask Undies101? Is that something that our readers would use? Be interested in? We’d like to know. We always encourage you to leave comments – if you like our bloggers post, if you like a particular pair of underwear, if you want to know where we got it – that’s what the comment section is for – I am pretty sure all of us read the comments on our posts, I know that I do. Would you like to be able to Ask Undies101?