Hello underwear fans! Lucas from Top to Bottom here. Remember me?
I have actually come to ask you for a little favor…
Three years ago, I created my first one-man show, “VGL 5’4″ Top”. It’s a funny-yet-serious rant about discrimination within the gay community based on body image, and how the internet has become a tool for encouraging such behavior. Sound familiar?
My show has grown a great deal since it’s debut in 2009, and this September I will be hauling it across the country to perform in the San Francisco Fringe Festival! It’s the most exciting performance opportunity of my life, and I’m incredibly excited…but this is not the sort of thing one man can pull off without a little financial assistance.
‘What does this have to do with underwear?’ Well, friends, it just so happens that I perform the majority of my show in my skivvies! Why? Because I’m an artist, and a true artist doffs his clothing on a regular basis. Kidding. I do it to demonstrate that there are different kinds of ‘hot’ in the world, and that a short, slim guy like myself has just as much right to flaunt his body as a tall, ripped jock.
So please check out my video below, visit my Kickstarter page, and be my hero and make a donation to help me get to the West Coast!
Thanks to everyone in advance for their generosity, and thanks to Undies 101 for giving me a forum to flaunt my goodies!