
Wes’ Show and Tell

I’m sure that you’ll recognize Wes – he’s participated in our show and tells before and we always love having him! He and RWraith and I all used to write for another undies blog together and it’s always nice to have the old team back together! At any rate, this is what Wes had to say about his undies drawers:

“Here is my collection in five drawers.  There is a system going on.  To start off, the first drawer is for low-cut socks, Speedos, and singlets. 

The second is for dress socks, hiking socks, and jocks. 

The third is for boxer briefs, white briefs, and undershirts. 

The fourth is for colored underwear and winter socks. 

Lastly, the fifth drawer is for athletic socks, ankle socks, and gym shirts. 

I would have to say that many of these things never get worn.  I could possibly have more room in my closet if I’d clear some unworn things from the drawers.  Maybe one day!  LOL!”

Thanks for sharing Wes! Feel free to follow Wes on twitter and say hi! I hope I got all his pics in the correct order!

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