Okay – a bit of confessional time. I follow this hottie on twitter and while he doesn’t wear usually, he does have to wear them for work. He was talking about his undies one day, so, being undiesboy, I asked him what he was wearing…and he told me and showed me. He was wearing this hot pair of Express trunks and he said he really loved them. So…not owning a pair, I wanted some. I went to express and they were on sale for like 3 for $30…so I got three of them.
So that’s the back story on today’s undies. Day 17 is a pair of Camo trunks from Express. I have to say, for trunks, I really enjoy having them on all day. I don’t have to do a lot of adjusting, and they actually show things off nicely and keep everything in place like they are supposed to, so really no complaints, and thanks to my hottie for introducing them to me!