
Good Intentions…

I’ve uploaded a photo a day since my last post on here, all with the good intentions of coming back later on in the day to post the damn thing for you all to enjoy. Then the day gets ahead of me and I come home and unwind for a while and spend time with loved ones and it’s bed time and that just repeats itself over and over and over again, until months have gone by and I’ve not done a post. I apologize to you all. I have to be better at this, but it might have been time for a break for a while.

04262016Huge props and thanks to AJ for continuing to post throughout all of this and share his undies with us. I’ll be back more regularly now and I’ll try and get through the back log of what’s not been posted…it’s all here…just need to go through. We’ve got some reviews that need to get up here, so I’ll get those out to you as well, with HUGE apologies to the folks at Sheath and Ginch Gonch who’ve been waiting forever and I have a few guest bulges to share with you as well…

Stick with me…there’s more to come and we’ll get this back to it’s old self in no time! Wearing these light blue Andrew Christians today…they’re a few years old…but oh so comfortable!

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