It’s Thong Week here at Undies 101. It’s the second of our theme weeks. We covered Jocks the first time around, and decided since we had two Bum Chums thongs to review, we’d do a theme week around thongs. We’ve heard from me, RWraith, Jason and AJ…tomorrow we hear from Keith and later this week we hear from AussieMan. We’d love to hear from you, our readers! We’re also doing our second Show and Tell day, Friday…all about thongs. Tell us your good stories about thongs…your bad stories…send us your pics! Be a part of our conversation! EMail your pics and a little blurb about thongs to me and you’ll be featured on the blog on Friday. It’s that easy. Make sure you include in your email if you’d like a link back to your twitter account or your own blog…we’re happy to!
RWraith convinced me to wear a thong everyday for thong week…and that he’d join me, starting yesterday…so here’s my bright orange Undergear thong…which was sent to me by RWraith himself!