
Dare to Bear..

Dare to Bear November, or should that read Naughty November?

Not one to normally show much in public, but thought this week I would take to taking part in #ThongThursday. Yes, wearing a thong on a Thursday, being working or not.

I love all things underwear, other than boxers and they don’t come across as sexy underwear, just more something you “grab out of the draw that is clean” when you need to change. It wasn’t long before I thought it was time to try one and see what all the fuss was about, I mean, women are almost expected to wear them, no?

If they could wear them all day, them I am sure I could too, but with so many out there, where do you begin? I didn’t live near any major stores, so walking in and buying one wasn’t really an option, therefore I took a look online. HOM was one of the first ones I saw, great looking pouch at the front and a nice ‘Whale tail’ at the back, the reviews were good too, but would it work for me? There was only one way to find out..

Dare to ber thong back Dear to bear thong front

So yeah, I bought them and waited for their arrival in the post a few days later. To be honest, I would need to be in as I ordered £180 worth of underwear, so not just the one thong, oh no, a few plus some briefs, speedos and the odd jock… Did I mention I loved underwear?

The thong was great! The reviews were spot on. The front pouch expanded when needed and the material was lovely and soft againt my skin. The string up the back? Well that was comfy too, to the point that I wore it all day without really noticing. It was defo one of the best purchases I had made and it wasn’t very expensive either. So I was sold on the whole thong thing and it was a pleasure to wear last Thursday, though not that thong. Since then I have bought about another 5 or so, so could wear a thong a day if I wanted to, which I might just do.

#ThongThursday thong was one I ordered at the same time, and have worn many times before, the CK One thong in white. Though the material isn’t as stretchy as the HOM one, it was still comfy to wear for the day and didn’t stop me from doing anything. I just wonder sometimes if anybody noticed?

ck-one-thong-2 ck-one-thong-1 ck-one-thong-10

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