
Book Progress

I am posting a few new pics that will be included in my book. My photographer and I took them on Tuesday. I am pretty excited about these.
I am also still seeking underwear submissions. I currently have 671 pairs collected toward the underwear challenge. That’s 329 pairs away from my goal of 1000. If you are interested in submitting undies to me, please email me.
I am also still looking for guys to take my underwear survey. I am posting the questions because I think the elusiveness of it scares guys off. Here are the questions, they aren’t so bad. Feel free to copy and paste these, and then email them to me if you want to contribute.
1. What is your very first underwear related memory?
2. What is it about underwear that turns you on?
3. What was your first “gay” underwear purchase?
4.Describe your hottest underwear “encounter”.
5. What is your favorite style of underwear (i.e. brief, boxer, jock…etc.)?
6. What is your favorite underwear brand?
7. What is your favorite style/color underwear to see a guy in?
8. How many pairs of underwear do you have in your collection?
9. On average, how much money do you spend on underwear a month? A year?
10. Do you/ have you traded underwear with others? Describe the situation(s)?
11. Have you ever stolen underwear? Describe the situation(s)?
12. What is your least favorite style/brand/color of underwear to see a guy wearing?
13. Do you have an underwear related sex fantasy? If so, describe.
14. When you are home alone, are you often in your underwear, clothed, or naked?
15. Do you sleep in your underwear? PJ’s? Nude?
16. What is your favorite underwear related t.v. or movie moment?
17. When checking a guy out, do you think about him naked? Or in his underwear first?
18. Have you ever thrown or attended an underwear party? Or group underwear related event? Describe.
19. Do you ever give or receive underwear as a gift?
20. Where is your favorite place to buy underwear?
21. What is the most you would spend on a pair of underwear?
22. Do you have any other fetishes (Sexual or non-sexual)? If so, what are
I am also looking for more suggestions of the types of stories you might like to see in the book, and ideas for a title.
I want this book to be about me, but also about like-minded guys. As I am obviously not the only gay guy with an underwear fetish out there.
That’s all for now! Happy Thursday Fellas!

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