This blog has been around for years…I think a decade at this point. It started as a way for me to showcase my love of underwear and my collection. It was born out of frustration with yahoo groups (remember them) and a lack of participation. Blogging was new at the time. I started with blogspot which then became blogger and part of the google family. I bought the domain. It went from just me to just me and then a few friends joined me. Then more. Our ranks have swelled, at one point as high as 12 bloggers who contributed pretty regularly. We’re back down to a handful of bloggers now, who seem committed to the cause. We really are an underwear family. Let’s face it, over a decade though, lots of flotsam and jetsam can build up. It’s time to get rid of some of it. Over the weekend, I’ll be scouring through our categories and narrowing them down to just a handful. I’ll be trying to refine our search process and tabs. I’ll be doing some spring cleaning, is basically what I’m trying to say. Wearing these green Andrew Christian briefs today for some comfort and fun. Haircut and manicure at some point this weekend, laundry and packing and an early flight on Monday for 12 days in the UK…life and where it takes us.
Get in our Pants – Ask US Anything!!
LOVE the bright look!!!