Wow! We’ve had quite the weekend of guest bulges! Have you enjoyed seeing them? I know I have! Huge props to Risesinthe3ast for getting all of them worked out for us! I’ve had a weekend that was a variation on shades of blue. All of my undies over the weekend and today were of the blue shade.
I was in these blue AussieBum Billy briefs on Saturday. Ran around the city and got a haircut, saw a movie and got a manicure and walked a bit to get those steps in! These are so much fun and so easy to wear.
Sunday were these really light blue N2N Bodywear Dream briefs. They are kind of see through, and they feel like they aren’t even there…like you’re wearing nothing. So easy to wear on a day were I didn’t do too much.
Today, for back to the office, I’m in these Andrew Christian briefs. They have a fly in them and that, for whatever reason, makes the pouch feel so much different than the typical Almost Naked pouch. So easy to wear, and full back, so makes for a nice pair to go back to the office in.