
String me along…and make me enjoy a style again…

So, I have a few pair of string bikinis, the lone hold outs that have been kept over the years. I would say that most of them have come to me through other undies lovers, hence my affinity for wanting to hold onto them. I used to wear string bikinis a lot, and then as my body changed a bit, I stopped. string

They stopped feeling sexy to me, and on me. And as we all know, if you don’t feel sexy in your underwear, nobody else is going to think you are. So, following that cardinal rule, I stopped wearing string bikinis.

Recently, however, I have noticed a pair or two that I really liked the stylings of, so I have tried them again, and I am enjoying, so far. I know I need to work on a few things on the body dept, and I am, but I’m hoping that this new found appreciation for strings again will help motivate me.

Undies101 wants to know…don’t forget to vote in the poll!

One thought on “String me along…and make me enjoy a style again…

  1. Like your choice shown. And sure don’t see any thing that needs improvement on that body either. Love the color you have here also. 😉

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