
Re-learning travel…

If I’ve done this right, this will self publish sometime in the early evening on the East Coast in the states…I’m actually writing it mid-morning before I head out and start my London day. We shall see if this works and keep going if it does!

Anyway…I’ve started to travel more for work recently, and, in the process, have had to re-learn to travel. In the days of huge fees to check bags, and not wanting to deal with the wait for checked baggage, I have had to learn how to pack for a few days into a carry on yet still look smart and professional. I don’t worry about carry on bags if I am taking more than 5 days away…then it’s always checked. I’ve also decided that I unpack at each hotel and put things in drawers and hang things up. I feel like it’s a much more civilised way to travel, and it feels a little more like home to take clothes out of a drawer and the closet than living out of the suitcase…especially on trips like this that are 12 days long…

anyhoo…here’s the blue and white Andrew Christian Almost Naked briefs I have on today…super comfy and love the way they feel…

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