til tuesday

Til Tuesday and the chaos it contained…

Monday wasn’t as harsh as I thought it was going to be. I thought it was all okay, and that the week wouldn’t be bad, til Tuesday came and brought with it all the chaos of a day. Lots to do at work, errands to run after work, complications that seemed to pop up almost hourly. Til Tuesday came around, I thought I might have this week in the bag. til tuesday

I decided to wear this pair of bright blue Andrew Christian Almost Naked briefs to the office today. Nice bulge under my jeans, and I really love how they let you just hang free and be yourself, no extra entanglements. Nothing that fluffs you. Just you, and a nice bulge in a pair of comfortable briefs that are super easy to wear and super sexy!

Undies101 wants to know…don’t forget to vote in the poll!

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