This time of week seems to come quicker and quicker between the polls…they are always set to last the same amount of time each week, I just feel like I have a quicker turn around these days. Perhaps I’m just used to the routine of it now…anyway, I digress. This past weeks question asked: “What kind of swimwear do you wear?”
And the responses played out like this:
None (skinny dip) – 2 votes for 3%
Board shorts – 10 votes for 17%
Smaller square cut shorts – 5 votes for 8%
Square cut tight shorts – 2votes for 3%
Speedos/Bikinis – 35 votes for 60%
Thong – 4 votes for 6%
I think I’m surprised by the results a little. I figured that board shorts would top the list and then mabye square cut tight shorts…didn’t figure as many of us wore speedos…rock on!
Here’s the red Andrew Christian Almost Naked Sport Briefs I’ve had on all day today! Don’t forget to vote in the new poll!