highs and lows

Highs and lows…in life, with weights with weight…

Lets face it, life comes with highs and lows. Over the course of time, one hopes that they balance each other out. The same applies to your weight and of course, the weights you lift to help train. I’ve been on a high the last few days as my weight has been going lower and lower each day. I’ve been able to lift higher and higher weight. This morning, I stepped on the scale, and it was a bit of a disappointment, as the number climbed higher than previous mornings, which put my mood into a bit of a low. But such is life. highs and lows

All I know is that I keep plugging along and maintaining my course. I will keep going to the gym religiously every morning. I will alternate cardio and weights. I will continue to keep track of what food I’m putting in my body. All of those things will help contribute to my weight going lower and my mood therefore going higher. I would like to drop (as of this morning) another 18 pounds, and I’d like to think I can do that in the next 3 months. By the end of April, I’d love to be at my goal weight. Then it’s a matter of maintenance, and learning what I need to do for that. One step at a time.

I pulled on this bright red Andrew Christian Almost Naked jockstrap for today, after all it is Wednesday, so that means a jock. I really loved these when they first came out years ago. The original Almost Naked jockstraps and thongs are probably my favourites. There are still variations of the AN jocks and thongs out there, but none have quite lived up to the originals for me. The newer ones are comfortable and easy to wear, but they’re just not amazing like the originals are.

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