
Decisions are what happen when you have too much underwear…

Well, more importantly, decisions are what happen when you clean out all of said too much underwear. I’ve been narrowing down over the last several years, and continuing to add to the collection. I think it’s time for me to stop adding to the collection for a while now and just keep narrowing the field down some more. That will mean some tough decisions. Ugghhh.

I’ve spent the weekend mainly relaxing. Had the day and the apt mostly to myself on Saturday – that rarely happens and decided to take advantage and wear these bright blue Andrew Christian Almost Naked bikinis from the TBD pile. Not sure they’re the right cut or fit for me so will more than likely be passing them on. decisions

Sunday was just the movies and some errands and I wore these mesh and black fabric Andrew Christian Almost Naked briefs. They are super comfortable, also from the TBD pile, but these will be sticking around.

Undies101 wants to know…don’t forget to vote in the poll!

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