To me they are. I choose my undies based on my mood every morning – so does that make them mood undies? They don’t change colours, but they are based on my mood and other factors. I’d say that alone qualifies them as mood undies, wouldn’t you? My mood today is a bit off. I’m cloudy. The run this morning didn’t help. It is overcast and gloomy outside, so that isn’t helping either. My mood is grey, and so are my undies. These are a pair of Andrew Christian briefs from the TBD pile – they are nice and soft. They don’t have the Almost Naked pouch that I’m used to, but I’m not crushed either, there is room. I like the contrast on the elastic, so that’s a plus. We’ll see how these mood undies work out for me all day and then make some determinations on whether they stay or go.
Undies101 wants to know…don’t forget to vote in the poll!