royal jockstrap

Royal Jockstrap? Purple is the colour of royalty…

I’ve always wondered why some colours represent things and others don’t. For example purple is the colour of royalty. Does that make this purple Papi jockstrap my royal jockstrap? Or would it only be considered the royal jockstrap if I were already a member of a monarchy? Things to ponder on this #weightyWednesday. This jock is from the TBD pile, and while I love the colour and the fabric and the fact that the straps are also purple, there’s not much of a pouch and I’m already a little crushed. We’ll see how today goes.

That’s not really what makes it #weightyWednesday though, today, after weeks of not updating you, I’m doing another #weighinWednesday and talking about where I’m falling on my fitness program. Sorry it has been a while, but we’ve been busy focusing on some other things the last few Wednesdays. I’ve been doing well on my eating, but not as well as I would like. Have re-doubled my efforts this last week especially, and so far, except for one meal have been completely gluten free. Have had Coke only when I have had a headache and still off the sugar in my coffee and tea. I’m up in weight though, at 179 today. Despite extra time and effort in the gym and more regular running. Hopefully the concentration on eating and the extra effort in the gym will start to slowly peel the pounds back off. I hate being this heavy. royal jockstrap

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