of the path this country is taking. We are becoming far too conservative. There are incoming Congressional leaders advocating for censoring American Press, for the assassination of someone whose ideals they disagree with, fighting any legislation without caring what it is about, taking away a woman’s right to chose. Where are we going…it’s getting frightening. I’m all for debate – but it cannot be just wiping things away without conversation. I’m truly frightened…I’m already a second class citizen…
here’s the black Andrew Christian Almost Naked bikinis I’ve had on all day…
Move to Canada! It’s much less scary up here!
Interesting post, from here in the UK looking at the US what I get the sense of is the divisions which seem to be getting stronger and deeper in the US.
In one way I find that worrying but could it be positive, though I suppose only if it prompts real, meaningful and measured debate which is usually in scarce quantity.
And great undies too! 🙂