trophy boy stripes

Trophy Boy Stripes for this Tuesday…

Typically I have not been a fan of the Trophy Boy series, they’re made for the larger endowed man, but in my experience they’re not really any different than the Almost Naked line. So, not sure what’s up with that. These Trophy Boy Stripes were on the top of the pile of yet to be worn, so I decided that I’d give them a go today. Now, even though I don’t typically enjoy Trophy Boy as a line, there was something about these stripes that made me want to have them.trophy boy stripes

They’re a great pair, taggless and cotton so easy to wear and very breathable. The pouch, like the Almost Naked line, lets you hang free with no extra help. That creates a nice bulge in and out of your jeans. Super easy to wear, and I’m looking forward to having these on all day!

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