Theme Week

*** Storing the goods for DJ Bakelite ***

The writing and preparing of this post has put some interesting realizations in my head.  It is odd in that as a visual and auditory artist, I don’t keep my home space particularly ‘showy’ and inviting.  The few friends that have dained to come to visit my place have often commented on the peculiar feel of my home as being not very comfy.  My studio apt is more of a storage facility then an inviting living space. I haven’t always lived like this but since I have been in NYC, I have grown into seeing my home as a place to keep my goods while I am out and about.  And I am out and about a lot in this city.  I live in the 160’s in Manhattan but my real life is all below 59th street and/or Brooklyn.  I am home to sleep, eat, shower, shit, and change clothes.

That being said my undies are lumped into categories inside grey rubbermaid bins….and they are not folded.  They are strewn into their respective locations with no color or brand organization beyond being thongs, briefs, swim bikinis and mesh briefs, favorites for day to day wear, nylons and panties, jockstraps, box cuts and square cuts, and a few other fetish types.

So here is the set up and may it inspire you to yes, keep a great collection of goods for yourself and also be proud of the fact that your organizing skills when it comes to undies are probably so much better than mine.

The ‘Tower of Underwear’. Much like the Tower of Pisa, it does actually lean a bit against the wall.
Swim Bikinis and Mesh Briefs

Favorites for day to day wear.

Box Cut and Square Cut

Nylons and Panties
Enjoy the view. More to cum.  –DJ Bakelite

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