
What do you do with your weekends?

Are you a make the most of it fun filled adventure type?  A stay at home and veg out type?  A mixture of the two?  for me it depends on the weekend and what else I have going on.  I went to the gym today, posted an ad to get rid of some of the undies I don’t wear, and got a ton of responses and two real takers.  Was hot to see them look at all the undies and see what their reaction was.  One was a little over-whelmed and the other I think really enjoyed seeing all of the styles and colours.

One got turned on very easily and was hard most of the time, and the other wasn’t.  Both were hot and I enjoyed seeing them in and out of the undies and semi or hard as the case may be.  Was a good afternoon/evening.

Here’s the white jockeys from one of my twitter peeps – one more pair of his to go, maybe tomorrow. 

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