Sometimes, after an accident you get some aches and pains, which, according to the paramedics on site yesterday is to be expected. Then there are pains in the ass – that came in the form of the rental car company forgetting to swap out my car in the system and me having to drive back to the airport today to get everything clarified so I didn’t show up on site tomorrow with a car they had no record of me having. Pain. In. The. Ass. You know, I had nothing else to do today. Thankfully the meeting I’m here for isn’t until later this evening. so at least there’s small mercies.

Got these JJ Malibu string bikinis a while ago. I wanted them when I got my first JJ Malibu order, but they were out of stock in my size. So when they notified me that they were back in stock, I grabbed a pair. I love the pouch, and the front of these, the logo on the waistband and the waist. What I don’t like, unfortunately, is the ass. The elastic on the ass isn’t quite as tight as I’d like it to be, or the ass is a bit large, as they slipped all day, and didn’t stay in place even when these are all I had on.
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