
More reviews…

I miss being able to reveiw underwear sometimes.  I don’t want to do it for every post, but I do like the ability to wear new underwear and put it under the microscope and review it.  what did I like, what did I not like. Is it a great pair to wear on a date when you know they’ll be seen or is it one of those pairs that are great and comfortable for all day wear?

I’ve done a bit of reaching out to see if there are any folks out there that would want us to review their undies, but if you’re reading and you’ve got some you’d like reveiwed – reach out, email me – my colleagues and I would be happy to review! 

here are the undies, brand unknown, that I have on today.  Got them from my hot undies friend last time we had a date.  He got them in Rome…won’t complain!

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