Boxer briefs & trunks the undies of the ’10s which I hope stay there…otherwise known as Deep Thoughts from @jackedseaman. You might have seen his #GuestBulge post the other day – some of you have and commented. But we asked @jackedseaman back to share some of his thoughts on undies with you all.
So since we’ve entered a new decade I thought it was only right to see what was big during the past ten years. These are definitely the thing. However, that doesn’t been I’m a massive fan of them.
To give them a fair chance I put on my favourite pair I brought these in 2015 when on holiday in Holland and they try and solve the problems I have with this type of underwear.
So I like my undies to be tight and sexy y’know show off a bit of thigh and all that. Boxer briefs rarely do this never mind the lack of bulge.
Now I will say the stitch pattern does try solve this and they’re a comfortable fit but I’d never wear them at the gym as you little man will move about way to much. Also the bulge is really disappointing also the legs do role up but this could be due to the age of them.
The seaman score
Stangata boxer briefs
Style 3
Features/innovations 4
Fit 5
Sex appeal 1
Comfort 6
Total score 19/50
For me while I don’t mind them I’d only wear them for lounging and stick to briefs… And jocks/thongs on the weekend 😀
Here’s to hoping we’ll see even more of Jack soon!
Undies101 wants to know…don’t forget to vote in the poll!