So i came across these in a department store that was closing down and i thought they be worth the try especially since they only cost me around £6.50.
I will say the model on the box definitely sold them to me if anyone knows who he is let me know as i definitely want to see more of him.
the reason i wanted to buy these is that they reminded me of the American whitey tightes and i wanted to see what there like and why they seem to be so popular with you guys.
i will say when it comes to comfort they are amazing they fit well and at work i forgot what i was wearing and it the gym they surprised me i thought was going to get a lot of movment however i could feel some movement nothing ever came out of place
when it comes style there isn’t much but thats not a bad thing my partner liked them on me and i think they would be great for a bit of office roleplay or something similar. But if your partner doesnt know, getting some these wont exactly get the mood started besides I do nothing for my ass and I’m not exactly lacking.
overall though I get why you americans like these so much now! on that note wheres the nearest ford dealership i think its time to test an f-150!
The Seaman Score
Style 3
Features/Innovations 3
Fit 6
Sex appeal 5
Comfort 10
Total Score 27
those look amazing on you! great bulge in them!!!