It’s a fact of life, at least for me, these days that Hump Day is the one day that I tend to remember – and I don’t even know why. It’s not like it is an official middle of the week anymore. When all the days are spent in the same place, why do you even need a hump day?
I get why it exists for those Mon-Fri work weeks, it is a nice delineation that half the week is done and you’re cruising to the weekend! But what are weekends anymore, and why I need a hump day that just reminds me that I’m inside. At least I’m keeping myself busy with work, and seeing friends virtually. And television, and puzzles!
I’m in this yellow jock today. I don’t even know what brand or where I got it, but it’s the one I pulled out to celebrate the hump day. And, just to catch up a bit, yesterday it was this purple paint drip (how else do I describe these) low rise CiN2 briefs and on Monday, I started the week in this pair of bright orange Andrew Christian briefs.
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