Despite not having a gym to attend right now, and just sticking to walks when I can get them in and yoga in the am, I am managing a thinning of the waistline…which I will not complain about at all.
I’m also trying for a thinning out of my life. Getting rid of clutter, donating clothes that I no longer wear, or don’t fit or feel right on me. I’m also thinning out the underwear collection even further. My current goal is a bit insane, to some people, but I’d like to only have 365 pair of undies. 52 jocks, 52 thongs and 261 other pair – briefs, bikinis, etc. That will mean I could wear a pair a day and not repeat for the year. There’s really no need for more than that, is there?
I don’t even know if there’s a need for that many honestly, but I have to start somewhere. Saturday I was out for some air and a walk with the other half, and had these fun Jockey bikinis on – they came to me via a friend who’d worn them and sent them off to me years ago. Wish he’d send me more. Sunday was this pair of White Be Choice briefs, comfortable, but don’t like the way the sit on me, despite the thinning of the waist. Today, for the holiday and the first day I haven’t worked since this pandemic began, was this pair of fun Royal blue Andrew Christian briefs with bright piping.
Undies101 wants to know…don’t forget to vote in the poll!