

If you were shipwrecked and marooned on a deserted island, what three pairs of underwear would you hope to have in your suitcase?
Wow – I only get to narrow it down to three pair?!? This is a tough one. I would take a pair of my Andrew Christian (@ACUnderwear) Almost Naked briefs – probably in the bright blue – that’s one pair. I would take a pair of my underdaks trunks – pair 2. The third and final pair would probably be my super low rise purple Timoteo (@timoteostudio) undies.

Since I’m only allowed three pair – there they are boys and girls!

Here’s the @str8cam boxerbriefs I’ve got on today.  totally comfortable and I really like them!  This is Question 3 in my contest to see who wins a pair of my undies…7 more to go.  1 more in the que to answer, so 6 more questions to be asked! 

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