So, I really need to get rid of some of my collection that I don’t really wear anymore, so I’ve decided to add a new feature to the blog to see what happens. I added the polls a little while ago and have asked a few questions now. I’ll keep asking questions as they all expire.
The new section will be undies I’m going to sell to get rid of. Figured I would try on here before an auction site and see what happens. So, for the next little bit there will be a box on the blog that will be Five for $5. I’ll feature 5 pair of underwear there for $5 each that includes shipping. If you want a pair that’s featured, simply hit me with an email and we’ll figure out the paypal details and they are yours. No upsell, no haggling, $5 a pair for 5 pair of underwear.
Here’s the pair of black and blue 2xist no-show/low-rise briefs I threw on after the gym/sauna/shower today – the undies featured daily aren’t part of the 5 for $5 – all of those undies will be in the box, when one pair sell, I’ll replace it with a picture of another pair.
do a pair around the world, you take a shot wearing them, send them to someone else, they take a shot and send them to someone else and so on
I would need to know who’s interested in that – if you are – send me an email