weeks end

Weeks end is upon us and the weekend is here…

The weeks end is here, and I don’t know about you, but for me, it didn’t happen soon enough! I’m so excited for this weekend, even though they don’t feel any differently than the week at this point. Spend my time in the same apt, doing the same things. But I am so ready to not be working.

weeks end

It was #ThongThursday yesterday and I wanted to be in a thong. So I pulled on this slate grey N2NBodywear thong for the day. This is a nice and soft cotton and has a bit of stretch to it. I love N2N and have a ton of stuff from them over the years. These are great to wear under a pair of jeans and they look great out of them too.

Today, at the weeks end it was this pair of Royal blue Andrew Christian briefs. They have an almost naked pouch, but aren’t the almost naked line – maybe they were old school Nano or Happy line, but I can’t remember. The pouch is great and you hang free and then bulge out in your jeans so nicely. Hope that everyone has a great weekend and enjoys some downtime! I certainly will.

weeks end

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