
Under Armour

Do you have a review on Under Armour underwear? Jocks, boxers, boxer briefs, etc?
Meaning have I written a review on Under Armour for a website other than my own? Nope. Do I own Under Armour? Yes, I have a pair of trunks and a full long pair of boxerbriefs by UA, and I really enjoyed wearing them. They were very comfortable, and they do what they are supposed to. I have their cold gear as well, that’s supposed to keep you warm, and it totally does the trick!
Here’s the pair of bikinis that I have had on since my workout earlier today.  Rode the bike so I was soaked by the time I was done, and ready for the sauna and shower!  I don’t know what brand these bikinis are, but they’re comfortable and they look great on!

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