I’ve had a very ironic day. I was wearing my Erase Hate pendant (for the Matthew Shepard foundation) and I was called a faggot for wearing it. Ironic. In the middle of a phone call at work, trying to replace a malfunctioning phone, the phone drops the call. Ironic. I come home after work and have a conversation (again) with my roommate about cleaning up after himself and doing his dishes, and he accuses me of talking to him like a child, I’m sorry – should I have to have a conversation (again) with you about cleaning up after yourself and doing the dishes? Ironic.
I thought about just posting a pic of me fully clothed and telling you what underwear I was wearing, and then I thought about posting a pic of me with nothing on and covering the twigs and berries, just for the irony of it all, but this blog is really about underwear, so…here’s the red Bonds trunks I had on all day today. Got them in a trade with someone from down under.