Guest Bulge

Guest Bulge @kidroaddams

Hey guys, a bit of a different guest bulge spot this time. He’s appeared before and he was wearing some undies today that I didn’t know were out there, so he agreed to write up a post about them and send in some pics, so, now in his own words:

Here are some undies from the well know porn company Treasure Island Media. I have been a long time fan of there’s before they were as main stream as they are today. When I heard they were coming out with underwear, I was ecstatic. I wanted to buy them as soon as they were released but unfortunately for me I didn’t have a job or money to get them. People I knew were getting them through contests or simply just buy them. They have said nothing but good things about them. To say the least, I was a little jealous. I had to find out for myself.

Now that I’ve had a job for a few months now and a little extra cash, I bought not only a brief but a jock as well. I thought about them everyday from the time I ordered them to the time FedEx dropped them off. When I saw the FedEx truck pull up, I met the driver outside. I couldn’t wait to try them on.
Back in my room I opened the box, the bags they were wrapped in and put on the jock, like it wouldn’t have been your first choice. Not only did I love the way they fit and look on me, I loved that they were so comfy. The waistband is a good width for good back support and the jock straps were the perfect size for butt support. I had to try on the briefs. As I put on the briefs, I noticed the waistband was the same thickness as the jock. Again, a very comfortable fit.  The pouch for both the jock and the briefs are a nice pocket that holds everything in place but gives enough room and comfort feel.

Needless to say, I am in love with these these two pairs of underwear. Once again Treasure Island Media has done an amazing job. I will be buying more in the future.

If you’d like to follow our guest bulge you can find him on twitter, and hopefully he’ll be back on again with us! 

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