Poll Results

Poll Results-Which brand of underwear gives you the best bulge??

Alright guys….well it seems pretty clear from polls and other talk on the blog that BULGE is at the front of your minds.  So the latest poll question asked which brand you felt gave you the best bulge.

Finally, there are great companies out there making hot underwear that is made to fit a man’s anatomy.  No more plain, flat front pouches with no shape.  It is so hard for me to choose just one.  I have several favorite brands that I go to for big bulge 😉

I just got these great new red briefs from Andrew Christian that I am LOVING!  All of his underwear provide great bulge and comfortable material!

Right up there with AC’s for me is OBVIOUSLY.  Sexy fit and comfortable fabrics are amazing in any silhouette you like,  I have the jocks, thongs, briefs, trunks, bikinis!
On the topics of bulge, I have to include these great thongs by Cocksoz and N2N who both also make very shapely, sexy underwear in hot styles!

Honestly, there are even more brands that certainly fit this category, and that’s a good problem to have.  I am sure you all agree!

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