One of my fellow bloggers was getting rid of some of his undies and offered them up to me – I picked a few from his pile and he sent them my way. This pair was among the treasures. I love them because they are blue, they are ergowear and have that nice hang free pouch and they’re just so sexy. He hadn’t even worn these and the tags were still on them – THANKS! (although, I am guilty of the same thing, so I know how that goes) Not only do these have the hang free style pouch, they also have a little bit of a lift in them, so a bit of an extra lift is never a bad thing! These are the sexiest undies I think I brought me. I am so glad that I pulled them out of the box right before I left and threw them into the bag. Also had the great pleasure of meeting our own Bricklayer today for a quick coffee and hello. Looking forward to being able to spend more time with him on future visits!