
december diesel

so heres my first post to the month of december so its here already, cant believe its gonna be xmas then new yrs wow where has the time gone!! im wearing a pair of diesel trunks well i think they are a lil longer than a trunk, they have a perfect fit these are a small i usually wear a medium but ive been noticing lately a small has been good, im still in awe that its gonna be 2013 soon its just like wow where did the yr go, ive got a few ideas but who wants to hear me say how i spent it lol, but i will say its been a blast so far, well and has had a few downers too, have to say this year has truely shown me who i can and can not trust, and those knw who they are, otherwise its been good, so my next post will be in a week or so showing u people what i wore for my bday no it wont be my bday suit well i will rock that but ill show u all what i covered it with instead till then hot u people enjoy these like always hit us up with some questions
get in our pants ask us anything

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