It’s shaping up to be quite the historic night here in the United States. I was really over all of the election coverage and ads and pundits. I was sick of having my rights voted on. I really just wanted it to be all over with. I went to a broadway show with my roommate so I wouldn’t just sit home and stare at the television and all the returns coming in. It worked, I got home in just enough time for the election to be called for Obama. Historic re-election. 4 Ballot measures for marriage equality are on the polls tonight and it’s looking like we’re going to win all 4. Fingers crossed. I am going to try and stay up to watch the speeches, but I have a 5 am car service pick up for a flight tomorrow, so not sure how long I’ll last. Pulled these black Andrew Christian Almost Naked bikinis out of the drawer today…every guy needs a good pair of black bikinis, no?